For Businesses:
The Business Resilience Service (BRS) – allows you to connect with experienced business advisors from across Canada for guidance on which government relief programs will be most appropriate to support your small- to medium-sized business, not-for-profit or charity on how to respond and reshape amid uncertainty.
Federal Support For Businesses – A Guide
Business Financing / liquidity: Finance Canada general enquiries 1-613-369-3710;
Canada Revenue Agency Accounts and Payments (business); 1-800-959-5525 (e); 1-800-959-7775 (f).
Export Development Canada general line 1-800-229-0575.
Business Development Bank of Canada general line 1-877-232-2269
Fredericton Chamber of Commerce – Keeping an up to date list of all proposed changes both federally and also a great resource for local information, which businesses are open / offering services, etc.